Michael Avery

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Nassi JJ, Avery MC, Cetin AH, Roe AW, Reynolds JH (2015).  Optogenetic modulation of local circuits supporting normalization in primate visual cortex.  Neuron 86 (6), 1504-1517.

Avery MC, Krichmar JL (2015).  Schizophrenic symptoms originate from a microcircuit dysfunction in a layered model of prefrontal cortex .  Front. Comput. Neurosci. 9

Avery MC, Dutt N, Krichmar JL (2013) Mechanisms underlying the basal forebrain enhancement of top-down and bottom-up attention. European Journal of Neuroscience 39(5). 852-865

Avery MC, Dutt N, Krichmar JL (2013) A large-scale neural network model of  the influence of neuromodulatory levels on working memory and behavior. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 7:133

Phillips ME, Avery MC, Krichmar JL, Bhattacharyya R (2013). Top-down executive control drives reticular-thalamic inhibition and relays cortical information in a large-scale neurocognitive model. in The Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS26), AAAI

Avery MC, Krichmar JL, Dutt N (2012) Spiking neuron model of basal forebrain enhancement of visual attention.  Neural Networks (IJCNN).  The 2012 International Joint Conference on, 1-8

Avery MC, Nitz DA, Chiba AA and Krichmar JL (2012) Simulation of cholinergic and noradrenergic modulation of behavior in uncertain environments. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 6:5

Barraza-Lopez S, Avery M, Park K (2008) The interaction between a monolayer of single-molecule magnets and a metal surface.  J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07B907.

Barraza-Lopez S, Avery M, Park, K (2007) First principles study of a single-molecule magnet Mn12 monolayer on the Au(111) surface.  Phys. Rev. B. 76, 224413
