function info = rate_normalized_autocor_power(data,interval,K,showplot) %********* JUDE MITCHELL ( 11/20/2008 %******** function info = rate_normalized_autocor_power(data,interval,showplot) %********** % one example: info = rate_normalized_autocor_power('mnar4_u2',[],[],1); % use defaults % % load 'msiv3_u8'; % info = rate_normalized_autocor_power(data,data.sustained,30,1) % % load 'mnar4_u2'; % info = rate_normalized_autocor_power(data,data.sustained,30,1); % % load 'msir27_u3'; % info = rate_normalized_autocor_power(data,data.morepause,30,1); % %***** general: computes the Poisson normalized autocorrelation %***** from the spikes in the specified interval as %***** Prob( spike(delay) | spike(0) == 1) divided by the %***** mean probability of spiking (average value would be 1 %***** if it were a Poisson Process) %***** %***** ALSO SMOOTHS THE AUTOCORRELATION FUNCTION DOWN BY %***** PROJECTING IT ONTO A LOG-TIME SPACED SET OF K BASIS %***** FUNCTIONS (similar to Keat et al,2001, details below) %***** To factor out any time-locked slow trends in firing rate %***** per trial, it computes a correction to the autocorrelation %***** to eliminate the time-lock component. it shuffles spikes %***** between trials keeping their time in the trial fixed %***** -- keeping it fixed relative to trial, shift predictor) %***** and subtracts off the autocorrelation from this shifted %***** version to eliminate slow trends in firing rate %***** that are consistent in trials (it repeats the shuffling %***** and autocorrelation computation many times for better estimate) %***** %***** In addition, computes the autocorrelation that would %***** be expected from a renewal process by shuffling ISI's %***** within the trial but keeping ISI distribution fixed %***** and evaluated to what extent ISI's are correlated % %***** LASTLY, using this normalized autocorrelation, it %***** computes the normalized power spectra .... the peak %***** at delay 0 is not included, and a Hanning Window is %***** applied to obtain some degree of frequency smoothing. %***** %** inputs: %********** data - all relevent data fields for a neuron %********* do 'help datafile_format' to see details %********** interval - interval of specific analysis, 1xN array of timepoints %********** - use data from this interval to evaluate %********** significant differences in rate and in Fano %********** K - to smooth autocorrelations, project them onto a basis %********** set of K filters. Each filter is a raised bump that is %********** centered at one delay, with delays tiled evenly on a %********** log-time axis .... so short delays represented with %********** less smoothing and more smoothing at longer delays %********** (this is similar to spike history models, see Keat al al, %********** 2001) .. essentially, this is a kind of regularization %********** in which you assume that osciallations of any kind %********** persist in phase only a few cycles. %********** - if K = [], set it equal to 30, default %********** if K is set too large, solution becomes non-singular %********** showplot - to plot out results %******* input: %***** %****** output: %****** info.timediv{1xC} = time axis of autocorrelation %****** info.isidist{1xC} = ISI distribution %****** info.autocor{1xC} = autocorrelation per attention condition %****** info.autocor_s{1xC} = Jacknife estimate of confidence intervals %****** info.pautocor{1xC} = mean poisson autocor of matched firing rate %****** info.sautocor{1xC} = std of poisson autocor matched firing rate %****** info.nautocor{1xC} = autocorrelation normalized by Poisson rate %%***** %****** info.rautocor{1xC} = mean autocor of renewal process(ISI shuffle) %****** info.srautocor{1xC} = std of many samples of renewal (is the %****** autocor of actual spikes really different) %****** info.nrautocor{1xC} = normalized by Poisson flat height %****** %****** info.poissest{1xC} = estimate of Poisson with trial rate trends %****** info.pdeviate{1xC} = estimate of effect due to trial rate %****** info.rate{1xC} = mean height of flat Poisson autocor %****** %****** perform smoothing prior to computing error bars as well **** %****** info.zautocor{1xC} = smoothed autocor fit %****** info.zautocor_s{1xC} = smoothed est of Jacknife conf intervals %****** info.zpautocor{1xC} -- also smoothed %****** info.zsautocor{1xC} -- also smoothed %****** info.znautocor{1xC} -- also smoothed %****** info.zrautocor{1xC} -- also smoothed %****** info.zsrautocor{1xC} -- also smoothed %****** info.znrautocor{1xC} -- also smoothed %****** %****** spectra output: %****** info.freqdiv{1xC} = freq axis of power spectra %****** info.autopow{1xC} = power spectra per attention condition %****** info.autopow_s{1xC} = Jacknife estimate of confidence intervals %%***** %****** info.rautopow{1xC} = mean power spectra of renewal process(ISI shuffle) %****** info.rautopow_s{1xC} = std of many samples of renewal (is the %****** power spectra of actual spikes really different) %****** %****** Fano factor predicted for different counting intervals %****** Use the same counting intervals as rate_fano_psth.m routine % info.cintervals = [12,17,25,35,50,71,100,141,200,283,400]; %ms % info.cfano{C}(interval) = predicted for each of C conditions % info.sfano{C}(interval) = jacknife estimates of predicted C's % info.rcfano{C}(interval) -- same for renewal process % info.rsfano{C}(interval) -- same for renewal process %*********************** %**** %**** recap: %**** %******** example usuage: %**** info = rate_normalized_autocor_power('mnar4_u2',[],[],1); %********* datalocation = 'datafiles'; unix = '//'; %******* if data is just a name, load that file, else it is structure if (isfield(data,'label') == 0) disp(sprintf('Trying to load data file %s',data)); load(sprintf('%s%s%s',datalocation,unix,data)); disp(sprintf('Using default sustained interval for analysis')); interval = data.sustained; %must use default interval then end %************************ info = []; % returned data (large somewhat) ip = []; % temp storage (not returned data) %********* get the single unit spikes for attended and unattended trials C = max(data.attend); % 2 or 3 conditions, or more? % condition 1 is attended in RF during 2 of 4 track % condition 2 is unattended in RF during 2 of 4 % condition 3 is unattended in RF during 1 of 4 spikes = cell(1,C); % single unit attended spikes (in sustatined period %***************************************** TP = 0.5; % discretization of time, 0.5 ms xstart = interval(1); xend = interval(end); %*********** build spike array of desired time precision ******** for trial = 1:size(data.trials,2) cubo = data.attend(trial); tspikes = zeros(1,floor( (xend-xstart)/TP )); exact_times = data.exactspikes{trial}; y = find( (exact_times >= xstart) & (exact_times < (xend-TP)) ); y = round( (exact_times(y) - xstart + TP) / TP ); tspikes(y) = 1; if (1) spikes{cubo} = [spikes{cubo} ; tspikes]; else % if you want to test on an artificial train % to test out algorithm properties of rate normalization rates = [0.1,0.03,0.01]; % test 3 diff rates to see not an issue tt = 1:size(tspikes,2); rr = ones(size(tt)); rphase = rand*2*pi; wfrec = 40; % insert a signal at 40 hz for example freco = ((1000/wfrec)/TP); rr = rr + 0.5 * cos( (tt*2*pi)/freco + rphase); % exact 10hz signal %******** include a slow phase locked per trial component also *** rr = rr + 0.5 * cos( (tt*2*pi)/(size(tspikes,2)*2) ); %***************************************************** tspikes = (rand(1,size(tspikes,2)) < (rr*rates(cubo)) ); spikes{cubo} = [spikes{cubo} ; tspikes]; end end %************** set smoothing parameter K ... if (isempty(K)) K = 30; end %***************************************************************** spiker = spikes; info.cfano = cell(1,C); % autocor predicted FF info.sfano = cell(1,C); % jacknife on predicted info.rcfano = cell(1,C); % renewal autocor predicted FF info.rsfano = cell(1,C); % renewal jacknife on predicted %************************************* for kk = 1:C %********** compute autocorrelation and Poisson normalized tempinfo = compute_autocor_renewal(spikes{kk},TP,K); info.timediv{kk} = tempinfo.timediv; info.isidist{kk} = tempinfo.isidist; info.autocor{kk} = tempinfo.autocor; info.autocor_s{kk} = tempinfo.autocor_s; %*************************************** ip.poisscor{kk} = tempinfo.poisscor; % store temporary in 'ip' structure ip.jackcor{kk} = tempinfo.jackcor; ip.jackrate{kk} = tempinfo.jackrate; ip.renewcor{kk} = tempinfo.renewcor; ip.renewrate{kk} = tempinfo.renewrate; %******** here the Poisson is known to have flat autocor, so constrain info.pautocor{kk} = ones(size(tempinfo.pautocor)) * mean(tempinfo.pautocor); info.sautocor{kk} = ones(size(tempinfo.sautocor)) * mean(tempinfo.sautocor); %********************************************* info.poissest{kk} = tempinfo.poissest; info.pdeviate{kk} = tempinfo.pdeviate; %********* info.rate(kk) = tempinfo.rate; info.nautocor{kk} = (info.autocor{kk} / info.rate(kk) ); %*********** added computations for renewal autocorrelation ** info.rautocor{kk} = tempinfo.rautocor; info.srautocor{kk} = tempinfo.srautocor; info.nrautocor{kk} = (info.rautocor{kk} / info.rate(kk) ); %************************************************************ %******** store smoothed versions ************************** info.zautocor{kk} = tempinfo.zautocor; info.zautocor_s{kk} = tempinfo.zautocor_s; info.zpautocor{kk} = tempinfo.zpautocor; %the size of error bar will shrink with smoothing info.zsautocor{kk} = tempinfo.zsautocor; info.nautocor{kk} = (info.zautocor{kk} / info.rate(kk)); %*********** added features for renewal autocorrelation **** info.zrautocor{kk} = tempinfo.zrautocor; info.zsrautocor{kk} = tempinfo.zsrautocor; info.znrautocor{kk} = (info.zrautocor{kk} / info.rate(kk)); %********** NOW TAKE WHAT YOU GOT, AND USE AUTOCORRELATIONS TO COMPUTE %********** THE SPECTRAS CORRESPONDINGLY %********** power spectra from autocorrelation NT = size(spikes{kk},1); TT = size(spikes{kk},2); rate = mean(mean(spikes{kk})); tempinfo = compute_power_from_auto(info.autocor{kk},ip.jackcor{kk},ip.jackrate{kk},... ip.poisscor{kk},ip.renewcor{kk},info.rate(kk),NT,TT,TP); info.pautopow{kk} = tempinfo.pautopow; info.pautopow_s{kk} = tempinfo.pautopow_s; %*************** all measures normalized for Poisson info.freqdiv{kk} = tempinfo.freqdiv; info.autopow{kk} = tempinfo.autopow; info.autopow_s{kk} = tempinfo.autopow_s; %*********** added computations for renewal process ** info.rautopow{kk} = tempinfo.rautopow; info.rautopow_s{kk} = tempinfo.rautopow_s; %************************************************************ %********* Given the autocorrelation, what does it predict %********* for the change in FF with counting interval? info.cintervals = [12,17,25,35,50,71,100,141,200,283,400]; %ms for k = 1:size(info.cintervals,2) T = ceil( info.cintervals(k) / TP); info.bTT(k) = T; info.bautocor{kk} = info.autocor{kk}; info.brate(kk) = info.rate(kk); val = compute_FF_from_auto(info.autocor{kk},info.rate(kk),T); info.cfano{kk} = [info.cfano{kk} val]; list = []; NN = size(ip.jackcor{kk},1); for tt = 1:NN %jacknife estimates val = compute_FF_from_auto(ip.jackcor{kk}(tt,:),ip.jackrate{kk}(tt),T); list = [list val]; end sval = sqrt( (NN-1) * var( list ) ); info.sfano{kk} = [info.sfano{kk} sval]; %********** and what about for a simple renewal process val = compute_FF_from_auto(info.rautocor{kk},info.rate(kk),T); info.rcfano{kk} = [info.rcfano{kk} val]; list = []; NN = size(ip.renewcor{kk},1); for tt = 1:NN %jacknife estimates val = compute_FF_from_auto(ip.renewcor{kk}(tt,:),ip.renewrate{kk}(tt),T); list = [list val]; end sval = std(list) / sqrt(NN); % indep samples, not jacknifes info.rsfano{kk} = [info.rsfano{kk} sval]; end %************************** end %****************************************************************** %************ plot the spike rasters and mean firing rates, and fano if (showplot == 1) figure; %**************** plot spike trains of interest on left ****** subplot('position',[0.1 0.4 0.3 0.5]); plot_spike_raster(spiker,xstart,xend,TP); V = axis; axis([xstart xend V(3) V(4)]); grid on; ylabel('Trial Number'); title(sprintf('Unit %s rasters',; %************* subplot('position',[0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2]); smooth_window = (12.5/TP); % give sigma of 12.5ms plot_mean_psth(spiker,smooth_window,xstart,xend,TP); axis tight; V = axis; maxo = V(4); axis([xstart xend 0 (V(4)*1.25)]); plot([interval(1),interval(1)],[V(3),V(4)],'k-'); hold on; plot([interval(end),interval(end)],[V(3),V(4)],'k-'); hold on; ylabel('Firing Rate'); xlabel('Time (ms)'); %********* plot autocorrelations for each condtion along %********* with Poisson distributions of matched rate awid = 0.65; bwid = (awid/C); col = 'rbg'; %******* find maximum for vertical scale match across plots ***** maxo = 0; for kk = 1:C maxo = max( maxo, max(info.autocor{kk}) ); end maxo = maxo * 1.1; %********************* for kk = 1:C gcol = [0.5,0.5,0.5]; % plot rate matched Poisson in gray %************* plot first 50 ms linear scale xx = 1:(100/TP); subplot('position',[0.5 (1.0-((bwid+0.07)*kk)) 0.2 bwid]); H = plot(info.timediv{kk}(xx),info.autocor{kk}(xx),['k.']); hold on; %********* plot rate matched poisson H = plot(info.timediv{kk}(xx),info.pautocor{kk}(xx),['c-']); set(H,'Color',gcol); H = plot(info.timediv{kk}(xx),(info.pautocor{kk}(xx) + 2 * info.sautocor{kk}(xx)),'c-'); set(H,'Color',gcol); H = plot(info.timediv{kk}(xx),(info.pautocor{kk}(xx) - 2 * info.sautocor{kk}(xx)),'c-'); set(H,'Color',gcol); %********* plot matched renewal process autocorrelation H = plot(info.timediv{kk}(xx),info.rautocor{kk}(xx),[col(kk),'-']); set(H,'Linewidth',2); H = plot(info.timediv{kk}(xx),(info.rautocor{kk}(xx) + 2 * info.srautocor{kk}(xx)),... [col(kk),'-']); H = plot(info.timediv{kk}(xx),(info.rautocor{kk}(xx) - 2 * info.srautocor{kk}(xx)),... [col(kk),'-']); %********** draw actual data last H = plot(info.timediv{kk}(xx),info.zautocor{kk}(xx),'k-'); set(H,'Linewidth',2); H = plot(info.timediv{kk}(xx),(info.zautocor{kk}(xx) + 2 * info.zautocor_s{kk}(xx)),'k-'); H = plot(info.timediv{kk}(xx),(info.zautocor{kk}(xx) - 2 * info.zautocor_s{kk}(xx)),'k-'); %****************************** axis tight; V = axis; axis([0 100 0 maxo]); xlabel('Delay (ms)'); ylabel('Probability'); %************* plot whole range on log scale xx = 1:size(info.timediv{kk},2); rr = (1/info.rate(kk)); ra = (1/min(info.rate)); subplot('position',[0.75 (1.0-((bwid+0.07)*kk)) 0.2 bwid]); H = semilogx(info.timediv{kk}(xx),rr*info.zautocor{kk}(xx),'k-'); hold on; set(H,'Linewidth',1); %************ plot rate matched poisson H = semilogx(info.timediv{kk}(xx),rr*info.zpautocor{kk}(xx),['c-']); set(H,'Color',gcol); H = semilogx(info.timediv{kk}(xx),rr*(info.zpautocor{kk}(xx) + 2 * info.zsautocor{kk}(xx)),'c-'); set(H,'Color',gcol); H = semilogx(info.timediv{kk}(xx),rr*(info.zpautocor{kk}(xx) - 2 * info.zsautocor{kk}(xx)),'c-'); set(H,'Color',gcol); %********* plot matched renewal process autocorrelation H = semilogx(info.timediv{kk}(xx),rr*info.zrautocor{kk}(xx),[col(kk),'-']); set(H,'Linewidth',2); H = semilogx(info.timediv{kk}(xx),rr*(info.zrautocor{kk}(xx) + 2 * info.zsrautocor{kk}(xx)),... [col(kk),'-']); H = semilogx(info.timediv{kk}(xx),rr*(info.zrautocor{kk}(xx) - 2 * info.zsrautocor{kk}(xx)),... [col(kk),'-']); %******** plot original process on top *************** H = semilogx(info.timediv{kk}(xx),rr*info.zautocor{kk}(xx),'k-'); hold on; set(H,'Linewidth',2); H = semilogx(info.timediv{kk}(xx),rr*(info.zautocor{kk}(xx) + 2 * info.zautocor_s{kk}(xx)),'k-'); H = semilogx(info.timediv{kk}(xx),rr*(info.zautocor{kk}(xx) - 2 * info.zautocor_s{kk}(xx)),'k-'); %****************************** axis tight; V = axis; axis([V(1) V(2) 0 V(4)]); %(ra*maxo)]); semilogx([50,50],[0,V(4)],'k--'); %(ra*maxo)],'k--'); xlabel('Delay (ms)'); ylabel('Norm Prob.'); end %*************** NOW FOR A SECOND PLOT, THAT WILL BE THE SPECTRUMS figure; %**************** plot spike trains of interest on left ****** subplot('position',[0.1 0.4 0.3 0.5]); plot_spike_raster(spiker,xstart,xend,TP); V = axis; axis([xstart xend V(3) V(4)]); grid on; ylabel('Trial Number'); title(sprintf('Unit %s rasters',; %************* subplot('position',[0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2]); smooth_window = (12.5/TP); % give sigma of 12.5ms plot_mean_psth(spiker,smooth_window,xstart,xend,TP); axis tight; V = axis; maxo = V(4); axis([xstart xend 0 (V(4)*1.25)]); plot([interval(1),interval(1)],[V(3),V(4)],'k-'); hold on; plot([interval(end),interval(end)],[V(3),V(4)],'k-'); hold on; ylabel('Firing Rate'); xlabel('Time (ms)'); %********* plot autocorrelations for each condtion along %********* with Poisson distributions of matched rate awid = 0.65; bwid = (awid/C); col = 'rbg'; %******* find maximum for vertical scale match across plots ***** maxo = 0; mino = 100000; for kk = 1:C maxo = max( maxo, max(info.autopow{kk}(2:end)) ); mino = min( mino, min(info.autopow{kk}(2:end)) ); end diffo = (maxo-mino); maxo = maxo + 0.5*diffo; mino = mino - 0.5*diffo; %********************* for kk = 1:C gcol = [0.5,0.5,0.5]; % plot rate matched Poisson in gray %************* plot first 50 hz linear scale xx = find( info.freqdiv{kk} <= 50); subplot('position',[0.5 (1.0-((bwid+0.07)*kk)) 0.2 bwid]); H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),info.autopow{kk}(xx),['k.']); hold on; %******** plot matched renewal process autocorrelation H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),info.rautopow{kk}(xx),[col(kk),'-']); set(H,'Linewidth',2); H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),(info.rautopow{kk}(xx) + 2 * info.rautopow_s{kk}(xx)),... [col(kk),'-']); H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),(info.rautopow{kk}(xx) - 2 * info.rautopow_s{kk}(xx)),... [col(kk),'-']); %*********** Poisson flatline ************ (varies by # spikes) H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),info.pautopow{kk}(xx),[col(kk),'-']); set(H,'Linewidth',2); set(H,'Color',[0.5,0.5,0.5]); H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),(info.pautopow{kk}(xx) + 2 * info.pautopow_s{kk}(xx)),... [col(kk),'-']); set(H,'Color',[0.5,0.5,0.5]); H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),(info.pautopow{kk}(xx) - 2 * info.pautopow_s{kk}(xx)),... [col(kk),'-']); set(H,'Color',[0.5,0.5,0.5]); %************************************************************* %********** draw actual data last H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),info.autopow{kk}(xx),'k-'); set(H,'Linewidth',2); H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),(info.autopow{kk}(xx) + 2 * info.autopow_s{kk}(xx)),'k-'); H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),(info.autopow{kk}(xx) - 2 * info.autopow_s{kk}(xx)),'k-'); %****************************** axis tight; V = axis; axis([info.freqdiv{kk}(1) info.freqdiv{kk}(size(xx,2)) mino maxo]); xlabel('Frequency (hz)'); ylabel('Power'); %************* plot whole range on log scale, use smoothed data xx = 1:size(info.freqdiv{kk},2); subplot('position',[0.75 (1.0-((bwid+0.07)*kk)) 0.2 bwid]); H = semilogx(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),info.autopow{kk}(xx),'r-'); hold on; set(H,'Linewidth',1); %********* plot matched renewal process autocorrelation H = semilogx(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),info.rautopow{kk}(xx),[col(kk),'-']); set(H,'Linewidth',2); H = semilogx(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),(info.rautopow{kk}(xx) + 2 * info.rautopow_s{kk}(xx)),... [col(kk),'-']); H = semilogx(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),(info.rautopow{kk}(xx) - 2 * info.rautopow_s{kk}(xx)),... [col(kk),'-']); %*********** Poisson flatline ************ (varies by # spikes) H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),info.pautopow{kk}(xx),[col(kk),'-']); set(H,'Linewidth',2); set(H,'Color',[0.5,0.5,0.5]); H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),(info.pautopow{kk}(xx) + 2 * info.pautopow_s{kk}(xx)),... [col(kk),'-']); set(H,'Color',[0.5,0.5,0.5]); H = plot(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),(info.pautopow{kk}(xx) - 2 * info.pautopow_s{kk}(xx)),... [col(kk),'-']); set(H,'Color',[0.5,0.5,0.5]); %************************************************************* %******** plot original process on top *************** H = semilogx(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),info.autopow{kk}(xx),'k-'); hold on; set(H,'Linewidth',2); H = semilogx(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),(info.autopow{kk}(xx) + 2 * info.autopow_s{kk}(xx)),'k-'); H = semilogx(info.freqdiv{kk}(xx),(info.autopow{kk}(xx) - 2 * info.autopow_s{kk}(xx)),'k-'); %****************************** axis([info.freqdiv{kk}(1) info.freqdiv{kk}(end) mino maxo]); semilogx([info.freqdiv{kk}(50),info.freqdiv{kk}(50)],[mino,maxo],'k--'); xlabel('Frequency (hz)'); ylabel('Norm Power.'); end figure; subplot(2,2,1); % autocorrelation prediction ****** col = 'rbg'; for kk = 1:C semilogx(info.cintervals,info.cfano{kk},[col(kk),'o-']); hold on; semilogx(info.cintervals,(info.cfano{kk} + 2*info.sfano{kk}),[col(kk),':']); semilogx(info.cintervals,(info.cfano{kk} - 2*info.sfano{kk}),[col(kk),':']); end semilogx(info.cintervals,ones(size(info.cintervals)),'k-'); xlabel('Counting Interval'); ylabel('Predicted FF'); title('Autocorrelation to Fano'); subplot(2,2,2); % autocorrelation prediction ****** col = 'rbg'; for kk = 1:C semilogx(info.cintervals,info.rcfano{kk},[col(kk),'s-']); hold on; semilogx(info.cintervals,(info.rcfano{kk} + 2*info.rsfano{kk}),[col(kk),':']); semilogx(info.cintervals,(info.rcfano{kk} - 2*info.rsfano{kk}),[col(kk),':']); end semilogx(info.cintervals,ones(size(info.cintervals)),'k-'); xlabel('Counting Interval'); ylabel('Predicted Renew FF'); title('Autocorrelation to Fano'); subplot(2,2,3); % autocorrelation prediction ****** col = 'rbg'; for kk = 1:C semilogx(info.cintervals,info.cfano{kk},[col(kk),'o-']); hold on; semilogx(info.cintervals,info.rcfano{kk},[col(kk),'s-']); hold on; end semilogx(info.cintervals,ones(size(info.cintervals)),'k-'); xlabel('Counting Interval'); ylabel('Predicted FF'); title('Autocor vs Renewal'); end return;